NOTE: You need to set up your institution’s authentication method in your preferences before you can access your library’s full-text holdings.
If this is the first time you’re searching for full-text after opening EndNote Desktop, the system will ask you to authenticate using your institution’s sign-on system.
Select the “Find Full Text…” option from the side menu.
Select the “Find Full Text” option from the drop-down menu.
Highlight the references that you want to find full-text for.
Copy the link below into both the “OpenURL Path: and “Authenticate with: URL:” boxes.
Select the Preferences option from the drop-down menu.
Click on the EndNote 20 tab in the main toolbar.
Select the figure file you want to attach.
Select the “Attach Figure…” option from the side menu.
Select the Figure option from the drop-down menu.
Select the reference you want to add a figure to.
NOTE: The ‘Attach Figure’ feature enables the attachment of an image, a chart, or a table into the ‘Figure’ field for citing using CWYW.
When you’re done annotating, remember to save your changes by clicking on the floppy disk icon (third from the right in the top row).
Notes: you can write create notes that pop up when you click on their icon.
Highlight/Underline/Strikethrough: you have eight preset colors and an other option to choose your own in case you want to color-code different ideas/sections.
Read: note that you don’t need to have an internet connection to read PDFs in EndNote Desktop.
You can do the following in EndNote Desktop:
Use the secondary toolbar that pops up underneath the first to annotate your document.
Click on the text bubble icon (third from the left in the top row) in the pop-window toolbar.
Select the Open option from the drop-down menu.
Click on the file name at the top of the sidebar.
Click on the Yes button to confirm your choice.
Click on the garbage can icon with an X in the upper right corner to empty the trash.
Click on the Trash tab in the left sidebar.
Select the “Move References to Trash” option from the drop-down menu.
Right click on the reference you want to delete.
You will have to delete the edited record and reimport it.
NOTE: Once you modify a record and exit EndNote Desktop, there is no way of undoing your edits.
Click on the Edit tab at the top of the right sidebar.
Double click on the reference you want to add an attachment to to open up its record summary in the right sidebar.
Click Control+S (Command+S on Mac) to save your changes.
Fill out the appropriate fields with as much information as you have.
NOTE: The drop-down menu will usually default to the last reference type used.
Use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate reference type.
Select the “New Reference” option from the drop-down menu.